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Crossing Borders at
Storyhouse, 23rd June 2022

An exciting event hosted and led by the Department of Music, Media and Performance at the University of Chester. Bringing together individuals, companies and groups from Arts and Culture, Health and Social Care, Welfare, Education, Recreation, Community Arts, Voluntary organisations and Charities in Chester, the local region and other parts of the University. Sharing work, practices and desires to arrive at points of intersection and aspiration was our goal for potential future collaborations. The Department has excellent work in applied and community arts and cultural practices which upholds a vision of inclusive participation that can make positive changes in peoples’ lives. Finding these crossings or touch points between people, ideas, sectors and places is what was key about the day enabling new conversations and potential for new partnership formation for the betterment of everyone.


The day consisted of workshops and discussion groups with a sharing of work, performances, films and exhibitions as well as information stands, food and refreshments.

On The Day 

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